I know what you're all thinking,
"A new blog post from the Lovell's!!! It's about DANG TIME."
What can I say?? Life is BIIIIIZZZZZYYYYY!!!
(Ahem, that is an understatement at the moment.)
I didn't think it was possible to have so much going on and still remain standing at the end of the day (albeit swaying back and forth from exhaustion).
I'll give you a sampling of my day yesterday:
5:50am wake up, get Shannon up, eat breakfast, get dressed and semi presentable
6:30 say goodbye to Shannon, teach lessons
7:30 get Ellie up and ready for school
7:45 finish typing up information flyer for Piano Gallery (I'm coordinating the Clavinova Fun Fest for them. Me and my big mouth.)
8:00 get in shower
8:30 ask Matt to take Ellie to school because I am running behind schedule
9:00 meet with Piano Gallery contact to discuss out going flyer
9:30 go Visiting Teaching
11:30 home and lunch for Shelby, read stories and put her down for nap
12pm work on Sugar n'Spice jingles (four of them, music and lyrics)
1:30 realize I have to teach in about an hour and I haven't prepped yet.
1:31 start prepping for lessons
2:30 Shelby is up from nap so I rehearse for my up coming performances. This Saturday I'm doing a performance for a Stake Social event and next Saturday "Lilium" is performing for Smithfield's Chamber of Commerce "Night of Giving". It is a BIG deal!! I'm so excited for both of these performances but extremely anxious about doing not doing well!
3:00 teach
6:00 done teaching, fix dinner, eat, immediately set up for recording "Sugar n'Spice" jingles and put final touches on all the music and lyrics.
8:00 Sugar n'Spice owner arrives. (She's one of my BFF's and so this is where things got really, REALLY FUN!!!!) Begin recording sale jingles.*
10:30pm done recording. B.L.A.S.T. Funnest thing I have done for two weeks (or more). The jingles will go on air this weekend and I can't wait to hear them because they turned out awesome!
*HUGE SHOUT OUT to my amazing husband, Matt. He is the guy that is behind the scenes doing all the recording work and editing. I couldn't do any of this with out him. I will post the jingles for everyone to check out as soon as he finishes the editing. (If I know him he will have them done by tonight!)
11pm get a text message from one of my wonderful students letting me know she got a part in Sky View High Schools play "Oklahoma!". How cool is THAT?! Made my day. : )
11:15 in bed
Just a day in the life that is mine (ours) right now.
I auditioned for "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat" last month and was given the part of NARRATOR! I'm so excited (and nervous) about this! The production will be in March and YES I will let you all know when, where it is and I hope that you all will come!! OH! And cool news! The directors have asked Shannon and Ellie to be in the show - at the beginning (no children were cast in this production) and they are THRILLED!!
I have also started a class (Well Prepared Pianist) that is once a month that is helping me learn all the things I don't know, how to be a better teacher and ugh! TECHNIC! I felt like such a beginner at my first lesson. My teacher is great and I know I am going to love it (I already do!).
Matt finished his last class in October... his MBA is in the BAG!!!!! I'm so proud of him for all the hard work he put in to accomplish this goal. He will graduate with his Masters of Business early next month (December 11, let me know if you can come!). Way to go honey!!!!
There is so much else going on that I haven't even mentioned!! Matt has been working hours every day getting our
website up and running. Please check us out!! Lovell Studios is keeping us all busy with lessons, teaching, performances and recordings... Matt is the business man behind it all and I just let him run with it. He does a great job and I am so thankful for all that he does to help me!