We live across a very busy 4 lane highway, but not quite 1 1/2 miles away from Ellie's school. The district has a courtesy bus to "pick-up/drop-off all of the kids that live on the west side of the highway. Unfortunately they haven't put Ellie on their route yet. So she only got to ride the bus home on the first day of school. I was out on the corner waiting for her for 45 minutes before the bus finally dropped her off. (Whew, I was starting to freak out because it was 20 minutes late!)
She had a great day and when I asked her what her favorite part about kindergarten?? "The Bus Ride!" Of course.
How cute. I bet she is so excited. I know she has been ready to go to school forever. Hopefully she will always feel that way.
I seriously miss Ella Bell like crazy!!!
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