I turned on the lights and saw that, yes indeed - Santa had come to our house! I almost forgot about the children as I noticed some lovely gifts with MY name on them...
Then I remembered that these people were anxiously awaiting the view as well. Don't you love the sleepy-excited look on their faces?
Searching all the presents for a "To: Christopher" tag on them.
Ellie wearing her favorite hat that Grandma gave her and showing off her new things.
Shelby was mostly interested in bows and discarded candy canes.
Christopher models his new riding clothes.
Hat, earrings, scarf, shirt, bracelets, and toe socks.
Ellie is showing Shelby how to work her new toy. It was funny to watch Shelby try and figure this out. The first time she pushed it and it started rolling she didn't know how to control it. It kept going faster and faster and her poor little legs couldn't keep up. NOW she is an expert! She will push it along at her speed, moving to the side of the basket when she wants to stop. Aren't babies smart?
Cute legs honey! I think those are Shannon's slippers though...
(Matt thinks it's unconstitutional for me to post this picture. Says that I need his permission or something. Doesn't he know by now that "If you pose, it WILL be posted"?)
After all the presents were opened Matt and the kids layered up to go outside and play in the new snow.
Matt pulling Christopher and Shannon on the tube.
Matt, Shannon and Ellie just in from playing in the snow. They were soaking wet - head to toe but with smiles on their faces!
Ellie telling how she "hit her brain" while riding on the tube.
Christmas comes and goes way too fast. Just think next Christmas is right around the corner. Looks like the kids had fun. Good Luck painting with Shelby. CJ decided he needed to help me.
Love the slippers you got for Matt. Thats o.k. if he shows is Feminine side. Just not to us, o.k.? hee hee
Yeah, the purple slippers... I kinda sorta tricked him in to puttin those on.
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