This is a really neat abandoned cement plant that we explored. It was HUGE. Too many deep drop offs inside though for my liking. I'm not good with heights or edges or death by falling or anyone else being near the edge or something really, REALLY high. Just about makes me pass out.
Lauren, Shannon and Trevor going in to the elevator that went to no where...
Matt laughing at my inability to go anywhere near this total drop off. It was deep and scary, trust me.
This was what looked to be a giant oven. Something the witch in Hansel and Gretel might have used. Christopher did not want to climb in either.
Madison and Ellie working the controls
These stairs led to a dark dungeon. It was creepy.
Brenda and Chris. This was taken down in the dungeon. I think that they were overtaken by spirits, you can see it in their eyes! Spooky!
Big mixing drum thing. Are those blotches in this picture from dust particles, or could they possibly be... ghosts? The spirits of dead cement workers that are haunting this place?? Is that why it's been abandoned?? Whooooooooooo
Outside! In the fresh and unhaunted air. It was such a nice day - perfect weather!
My niece, Lauren. And just for the record, this was already there. Promise.
Back at camp and getting ready for a ride!
An old abandoned bus we found. It's probably not that old, but everything rusts quickly with this much salt around.
On a side note: Madison had a loose tooth. She wrapped some dental floss around it and let me yank it out. She wasn't even scared. It wasn't until after I pulled it out that I realized her mom should have had the honor of pulling Madi's first tooth. My bad. Sorry sis! You can pull Ellie's first tooth. (Does it count that the dentist already pulled the first one?? Sorry, um you can have the second tooth then!)
Those who have weak stomachs look away.
Shelby and I at the Salt Flats. It wasn't what I expected. I just thought that there would be... less water.
Matt and Shelby
Matt giving her some salt to taste.
On Saturday it was just Matt, Shelby and I. We spent most of the day riding and exploring the Mountains to the north of us. This is looking out towards Willard Peak.
The Great Salt Lake. Antelope Island is behind this first mountain I believe.
This is my new favorite picture of Matt and Shelby. We stopped to eat some lunch and these two were just in their own little world. I took a couple of pictures while they were unsuspecting.
Eating a rock.
With my guy!! This was such a fun trip and just what we both needed!
LOVE YOUR PICTURES! We had so much fun with you! LOL about the tooth extraction. It's a deal, as long as Ellie is okay with me yanking her tooth. I will make a special trip up to Logan, just for her! Love you!
cute pics. I love looking at pictures with you. I have curly hair envy.
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