This past weekend was a very special time for our family. Matt and I were able to be sealed together and to our little Shelby for time and all eternity in the Logan Temple! We have been waiting for this day for a long time!! For the past several weeks we have been preparing the 3 older kids for this unique opportunity. We've been talking about the purpose of temples, being worthy to go to the temple and what they might expect when they go inside. Everyone was so excited on Saturday and anxiously awaited the hour when we would travel to the temple. Once there, at the appropriate time, Christopher, Shannon and Ellie were brought in to witness Shelby being sealed to Matt and I. It was such a wonderful and emotional experience for all of us. We are so grateful to all of those family members and dear friends that were able to come and share the day with us. We love all of you so much and are so thankful that you are a part of our lives! Our love also goes out to those that wanted to come but were unable to - you were there with us in spirit! It was such a wonderful day and we feel so blessed to know that our family will be together forever!
My parents, Brenda, Chris and their kids were able to stay until Sunday afternoon, so we were able to celebrate Mother's Day together as well. That was really fun!! Sunday morning, as we were walking into church Christopher suddenly remembered that he was supposed to speak in sacrament meeting. Uh, oh. This was the first I had heard of it, and thought "Well, he'll have to tell the bishop that he can't do it." But as the first hour ended I felt impressed that he should at least try to put a talk together. So, during Sunday School I went and got Christopher out of class. I asked him what he wanted to do and he told me that he really wanted to do it. Since our sacrament meeting is (fortunately) last, he was able to put some thoughts together before the meeting began. He spoke about why our Heavenly Father gave us our mothers (um, to help them prepare talks at the last minute?), some things that he had learned from his mom and then shared his feelings about our temple experience the day before. He concluded with his testimony and it was so sweet! He did such a good job and I was so proud of him!
After church we all came back to the house for a bbq. It was such a beautiful day the kids just played and played. We had a great time eating and visiting before everyone had to go. That afternoon I got one of the best Mother's Day presents ever... a NAP!! It was unusually quiet, and I was so wiped out I just zonked!! Matt took the kids on a bike ride a little later and I was able to enjoy the quiet even longer. We ended the day with a trip to Brigham City to visit Matt's mom and two sisters. It was a terrific weekend!
I will be adding more pictures later so be sure to check back again!!