Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Three years ago today I drove through a snowstorm to marry this guy. To say that I am a lucky girl, is an understatement. To say that I'm grateful for him, isn't enough. To explain how my life has changed would take... awhile.

Let me put it this way:

I went from this


to this


when he came into my life!

It has been a great three years!! I love him so much and I'm so thankful that Heavenly Father blessed me with such a wonderful guy. He is my best friend. His love and support means everything to me. In everything I do, he is right by my side and I couldn't ask for more.

Thank you Matt for all that you do for me, I love you!!


Matt said...

Thanks sweetie! I sure love you and hope you have a great day!

Kyle/Michelle said...

Congratulations guys!!!!!

Shirley's Blogg said...

so happy for ya'll