Two of my very good friends from Payson came up to spend the weekend with us. It was a "working" visit and YES, we WORKED until our little voices were RAW (not really, but we did work hard).
I am singing with Carey Heaton and Dawn Garret, two amazing voices and wonderful friends of mine, at the Relay For Life in Payson on June 12th. We have been working over the last few months to get our songs ready and have been trying to practice as much as possible. But when you live 150 miles apart that is difficult to do. Having them come up here this weekend was a BIG HELP to our progress not to mention a total BLAST!!! Oooohhhhh, I LOVE having friends and family visit us! (hint, hint, hint....). We were able to get all of our songs recorded, rough versions of them at least and we practiced our guts out. It was so much fun - I just love these guys! We got a little wild and crazy with the Karaoke singing one night (Carey - s'okay if I post your ABBA dance? Lol!) Dawn's daughter, Meg also came up which was fun as well! I thought she would be totally bored, but she wasn't! She sat there and listened, watched or practiced right along with us!
On Saturday everybody took a break to go and support Shannon and Ellie at their very first soccer games! Shannon has never played until this year but has caught on quick and is loving it.
Shannon playing Goalie
Ellie was really excited about her game, but didn't know what to expect (all her practices have been rained out so far)! At half time she came up to me and said, "Mom, soccer is HARD." Yep.
Because the weather has been so horrible lately the field was still pretty mushy and she got her pink soccer socks dirty... she was NOT happy about THAT.
We all got a sunburn... it was awesome. FINALLY Spring is here.
After the soccer games we came back to the house and got to work... after that is, we went to lunch and did some necessary shopping. Matt was home from school and was anxious to help us do some recording. He waited and waited and waited... so patiently until we were ready to lay down some tracks!! We worked until MIDNIGHT. It was exhausting but also so rewarding to be able to hear our hard work pay off.
Matt at the controls...
It's been a great weekend. I am so grateful for these two girls - they are such wonderful examples to me and are both so talented!! Thanks to their families who sacrificed in order for them to be able to come up here this weekend (Brandon and Kirk - you guys are SUPER-DUPER!) Thanks girls for making the drive and sacrificing YOUR time and energy to do this with me!
We always have to do a "crazy face" picture. It's tradition.