We had a terrific time this weekend with all of our family that came for Shelby's baby blessing on Sunday. My family came up on Friday and Saturday and the kids just had a blast playing outside - climbing trees, playing zombie tag, riding bikes (Isaiah learned how to use the peddles on the trike!!) and walking to the dollar store to spend the money that was burning a hole in their pockets! The moms got a chance to visit our favorite store -Sugar and Spice - where we went shopping for our own treasures!
Saturday was Brenda's birthday and we celebrated it in style!! Kara, Dennis and their kids came down from Star Valley and we had tons of pizza, cake and ice cream! It was so much fun visiting and Matt did a slide show of his trip to London, Dubai, Bahrain, and India for everyone. (Matt went on an international study tour with his MBA class the first part of March. He was gone for 11 days touring through these countries visiting the WEIR facilities. He brought back some amazing stories of wealth and poverty. I will post some pictures on the blog and have him share some of his adventures soon!)
Sunday Matt's family arrived and he gave Shelby a wonderful blessing at our fast and testimony meeting. I don't think there was a dry eye among us. It was very special having all of our loved ones there to share that with us. After church we all headed back to our place for lunch. The time for family to leave came too quickly (darn weather - it's supposed to be spring!!) and it was hard to say goodbye. I am so thankful to everyone that came - we love you all so much!!
On a side note: I am happy to report that Shelby is doing much better!! She had some more blood work done this last week and although her jaundice levels are higher than they would normally be at her age, her liver and kidneys are functioning well. Her reflux is also a little better with the medicine she is now taking. And the best news of all.... she slept for 6 straight hours Saturday night!!! I was so thrilled about that I had to share it in the good news minute at church!!