Saturday, June 7, 2008

The fight begins

My dad is just finishing his first week of treatment at the Huntsman Cancer Center in SLC. On Monday, he had surgery to put in the Port-a-Cath (double lumen) in his chest. He will have these for the next few years. It will make it easier for the dr. and nurses to administer the chemo and meds (less pokes!). My parents also received some great news from Doctor Tricot (my dad's amazing doctor). His tests results show that he has the treatable chromosome #11 - not #13 (which is very resistant to treatment). We are so grateful for these small little miracles!!

On Tuesday my dad was fitted with his chemo packs - two of them - DePace. He basically is wearing a back pack full of chemicals. The nurses told them that if they were to spill, HASMAT would have to come clean it up! (Yeah, this is the stuff they are pumping into my dads body!). He has received a continuous dose of chemo for the last 4 days. Today they will remove the pumps and tomorrow he will get the injection that will stimulate his stem cells to reproduce.

All in all it has been a pretty good week. My dad has had some bad days fighting the nausea and pain and not being able to sleep due to the steroids injections. But his spirits are good. My mom is an excellent nurse and is taking care of every detail. She was nervous about the shots that she has to give him in his belly everyday. But she said she was amazed at how easy it was!

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Port-a-Cath with double lumen

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My mom showing off her new kitchen! She was very happy that everything fit!

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My parents in their new home for next few weeks. It's such a nice place and very close to Huntsman.


Anonymous said...

So I hope this means he can eventually shake this nasty deal of cancer! It was so fun seeing you this past week. Thanks for dropping everything and coming shopping with me.

Afton said...

I'm glad we were able to go with you! I just wish I could have found as many cute things as you did!! See you soon!